
FREE Subscription to Family Circle Magazine

As usual, it takes 6 to 10 weeks for your first print issue to arrive. After your first issue arrives, you will receive uninterrupted service and you will not receive any bills. Sorry, no substitutions. Click here for form-

FREE Tuscan Natural Dog & Cat Food Samples

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FREE sample of Minties Treats-Facebook

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FREE Hefty Ultimate with Arm & Hammer Odor Control Kitchen Bag Sample (1st 50,000!)

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Join Recyclebank Today

Here is a program I highly recommend. It's called Recyclebank. You look around the sight and click on links to earn points. (Hint) go to the "Earn Points" section at the top of the page and then go to the "Easy Greens" section to earn points. You can get all sorts of rewards for doing so. I have received gift cards, magazines, money off coupons, and much, much more! Go to the "Rewards" section and take a look around. There is lots of free stuff that you can use your points on. Not bad for just clicking on links and who knows, you just might learn a thing or two that you didn't know about recycling. Click here to join-

NEW Dial® Vitamin Boost Body Wash Review

Hello Everyone- Today I would like to tell you all about an awesome product I was lucky enough to test out from the makers of Dial®. It is the NEW Dial® Vitamin Boost Body Wash. It comes in two types, the Vitamin Boost Amazing B Lotion Infused and the Vitamin Boost Super C Oil Infused. I was given this  Dial® Vitamin Boost Body Wash Amazing B to test out. *The Dial® brand gave me a sample of this to try in exchange for a review. Now as always, my opinions expressed here are my own.* I would like to start off by saying I am kind of a body wash snob. Yup, I'm very picky about what I like and do not like. I have very sensitive skin and eczema and with the winters here and the forced heating that all equates to cracked, dry and itchy skin. That being said, I truly did love this product. After showering with  Dial® Vitamin Boost Body Wash Amazing B my skin was soft and smooth. No irritation at all.  It smells super fresh and is sort of a neutral smell. I like that b...

Free Sample of IntelliDent Toothbrush Shield

Click here for form- The IntelliDent Toothbrush Shield… Is breathable, quick drying shield acts like a surgical mask for your toothbrush. Laboratory tested 99.9% effective barrier against airborne and surface bacteria. Replaces plastic caps and holders that trap and breed bacteria. Eliminates cross contamination of germs between brushes stored in shared cups. Ideal for travel, home, work and everywhere in between. Disposable. Effective up to 7 days. Available at over 12,000 stores including Walgreens and other major pharmacy retailers.